Blocks of the air outlet pipe in the GNLA and GNLB copper complex converter
The methods of producing copper from ore include two main methods: pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy.
Atlas Ceram Desert Company has succeeded in producing Cap Block and Protection Ring with the best possible quality.
Tube changer system is used in two lines of Mobarakeh Fould complex casting lines to increase the speed of changing the nozzle in the part under the tank of Tandish. Cap block and protection ring, which are in the form of nozzle protection ring, in addition to being able to withstand high temperature, must also have very high mechanical resistance.
The methods of producing copper from ore include two main methods: pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy.
Atlas Ceram Company has been able to produce tap hole blocks for electric arc furnaces by using world-class technology and after obtaining approval from several steel companies, it can produce and supply these products, which include endbrick, surand block and tube block.
The function of the molten wall block of the blower is to protect and maintain the Prosplug. In order to remove the molten impurities from the bottle, a Prosplug is installed in the bottom of the bottle. Gas is blown into the melt through the Prosplug and causes the melt to be purified.
Electric arc furnace or EAF furnace is included in the group of electric furnaces. Today,
According to May Metals, today these materials are widely used as a protective coating for
Mohammad Hosseinzadeh Yazdi, CEO of Atlas Ceram Kavir Company, says: “This product is designed and