Tap hole blocks of electric arc furnaces

Atlas Ceram Company has been able to produce tap hole blocks for electric arc furnaces by using world-class technology and after obtaining approval from several steel companies, it can produce and supply these products, which include endbrick, surand block and tube block.

Tap hole blocks of electric arc furnaces

Atlas Ceram Company is the most reliable producer and seller of tap hole blocks for electric arc furnaces. In the following, we introduce this product.

  • Steel making in the country is done in different ways. Among these methods, the following can be mentioned:
  •   Steel production using blast furnace·
  • Steel production by induction furnace method·
  •  Steel production by electric arc method

An electric arc furnace is a furnace in which metal materials are melted using an electric arc. These furnaces have different sizes and are used in Iran as electric arc furnaces (EBT). The temperature of melting and discharging in these furnaces reaches about 1600 degrees. The most important raw materials for steel production in electric arc furnaces are scrap iron, sponge iron, ferroalloys of lime and fluorine. In Iran, mainly scrap iron and sponge iron are used in the form of pellets, which can be due to the abundance of direct regeneration units due to the availability of natural gas resources in Iran.

Electric arc furnaces work by melting the furnace charge by an electric arc created between graphite electrodes and the metal charge. In this method, first the sponge iron produced in the direct reduction process is poured into the electric arc furnace to melt it. The temperature of these furnaces is such that steel with a relatively low carbon percentage is produced in the same primary melting. Then the produced steel is poured into the crucible furnace for alloying. This operation includes adjusting the amount of carbon, adding alloying elements and homogenizing the composition of the steel.

1.  Refractory bricks used in electric arc furnaces with carbon magnesite working layer, which are highly resistant to forces at high temperatures. E.B.T furnaces consist of a steel shell weighing 70 tons as a body, and about 90 tons of mass and 95 tons of refractory bricks are used in the furnace. Furnaces are fireproofed inside and divided into water cooling panels. The big disadvantage of these panels is that in case of water leakage, it may cause explosion or at least hydration of bricks and blocks. There is a tap hole on the bottom of the furnace. Taphole consists of three parts:

2. Well block

3. Tubes TUBE

4. End block

5. Tapholes are crushed and destroyed after several melting operations, which must be replaced, which is done in a hot state after the melting is discharged. The chemical and physical reactivity of the molten metal with the surrounding environment and the mold, the reduction of its fluidity due to heat exchange with the mold surfaces and the washing of the mold wall during its flow in the mold, all emphasize the important and fundamental fact that the production of healthy steel requires control and proper guidance of the melt flow during its production process

6. In general, the refractory blocks through which the melt passes from one stage of production to another stage of production are called ducts or ducts for the outlet of the melt. Refractory materials that are placed around and in direct contact with the melt can dissolve in the melt and cause impurities in it. The speed of removal of refractory materials inside the melt determines the life of the refractory block of the melt exit channel and channels. On the other hand, if the quality of the refractory block does not meet the minimum technical specifications mentioned in the data sheet, it can cause heavy damage due to sudden breakage or melt leakage to the back layers.

7. The process of mechanical dissolution of refractories in the melt due to the turbulence and impact of the melt with the refractory surface that is in contact with the melt and causing a dullness in it and the transfer of pieces of refractories from the walls or ceiling into the melt, which causes impurities in the melt. The composition melts. The production of these products requires the technical knowledge of the world, and in few countries, companies have been able to achieve the technical knowledge of its production. The type of raw materials, the percentage of materials combined with each other, precise design with minimum tolerance, sensitive production and shaping process and the advanced equipment required are among the problems and complexities of this product production.

8. 1. That Atlas Ceram Company, relying on technical knowledge and research work and a lot of trial and error, has been able to achieve the technical knowledge of producing fireproof channels and blocks with the highest quality and similar to foreign samples. This product is used in steel production factories, where molten steel is transferred from one production stage to the next using these ducts and refractory blocks, and they are responsible for controlling the melt in the transfer process, and their quality is high sensitivity in steel production units. has These parts were produced by Atlasseram Kavir company using nano technology and super cooling method.

9. The main production of steel in the country is done using electric arc furnace. In this way, the pellets obtained from the regeneration of iron ore are poured into the furnace and due to the heat caused by the electric arc, the electrodes in the middle of the electric arc furnace create a molten arc with a temperature of 1650 degrees Celsius.

To transfer the melt from the electric arc furnace to the next stage of steelmaking, melt outlet taphole blocks are used. Tap hole blocks of electric arc furnaces have high sensitivity. Due to the rapid movement of the melt when leaving, the slow-melting blocks suffer severe wear, and if these parts cannot withstand the high temperature and also the pressure caused by 250 tons of melt, there is a possibility of their breaking and the sudden release of the melt, thus causing damages. The loss of life and money is worth hundreds of billions of tomans.

Atlas Ceram Company has been able to produce tap hole blocks of electric arc furnaces by using the world’s technical knowledge, and after obtaining approval from several steel companies, it can produce and supply these products, which include endbrick, surand block and tube block.


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