Turret blocks

Toir blocks were produced for the first time by Atlas Ceramkoir company using nano technology and supercooling method and were used in Sarcheshme and Khatunabad copper complexes.

Turret blocks

Air outlet pipe blocks in the converter and propane gas outlet pipe blocks in the anode furnace of Messarcheshme and Meskhatunabad complexes.

The methods of producing copper from ore include two main methods: pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy. In the hydrometallurgical method, mineral ores are subjected to grinding and algomerization operations after being extracted from the mine, and by performing dissolution operations (leaching) on ​​them, a solution containing mineral elements is obtained. Further, copper metal is extracted from this solution with the help of refining processes (solvent separation or ion exchange and electrowinning).

The method of pyrometallurgy includes ore extraction, anode melting and casting, and finally, electrolytic refining and obtaining pure copper.

In this method, after full grading, the concentrate is melted in the flash furnace and turns into matte copper containing 45% copper. The matte copper poured in converter furnaces oxidizes the impurities (especially iron and sulfur) and transfers them to the slag with the passage of air. This copper, which has more than 3.99 copper, is called raw copper or blister copper. Blister copper enters the anode furnace using bottles. In these furnaces, by injecting propane gas, other impurities are burned together with copper and removed until the copper purity reaches 7.99. The output of the anode furnace enters the casting cycle and the anode plates are produced. In the next step, it turns into 99.9 copper in electrolysis.

In the melting stages, the erosion caused by melt turbulence and severe chemical corrosion in the air outlet pipe blocks has caused the production of consumable parts in this sector to have high technical knowledge.

These parts, which are installed in the converter and anode furnace, have high sensitivity, and their performance and lifespan are considered the main factors of stopping the converter or anode furnace. Toir blocks were produced for the first time by Atlas Ceram Kavir company using nano technology and supercooling method and were used in Sarcheshme copper complex and Khatunabad copper complex.

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Turret blocks

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